chamber music

[ˈtʃeimbə ˈmju:zik]
  • 释义
  • 室内乐;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    He has mastered enough of the complexities of arrangement to write and score a piece for a chamber music ensemble.


  • 2、

    His works include operas, symphonic, choral and chamber music.

    他的作品包括歌剧, 交响乐, 合唱和室内乐.

  • 3、

    Lily enjoys playing chamber music as well as solo piano aduo with Mischa Maisky.


  • 4、

    Both of them are nuts about chamber music.


  • 5、

    By subjective and objective reasons, Stravinsky turned to chamber music composition since 1914.

    由于主客观原因, 自1914年斯特拉文斯基在创作上开始向室内乐转型.

  • 6、

    Chamber Music by Mozart, at the multi function room.

    莫扎特的室内乐, 在多功能厅.

  • 7、

    Music & Chamber Music, this category includes Chinese and foreign solo and group instrumental music.

    小型器乐曲 与 室内乐, 这个类别包括中外各类乐器的独奏曲和重奏曲.

  • 8、

    German violist and composer of chamber music, instrumental works, and operas, such as Mathis der Maler ( 1938 ).

    辛德米斯,保罗1895-1963德国小提琴演奏家,室内乐 、 歌剧作曲家, 歌剧作品有画家马西斯 ( 1938年 )

  • 9、

    Some musical ideas about compositions and chamber music.


  • 10、

    Chamber music is written for a small group of instrument.


  • 11、

    The theaters can accommodate performances of ballet opera, symphonies, chamber music modern dramas, and musicals.

    该影院可容纳演出的芭蕾舞歌剧, 交响乐, 室内乐现代戏剧, 音乐剧等.

  • 12、

    The university has orchestra that plays excellent chamber music.


  • 13、

    Chamber music is suitable for performance in a private home or small hall.


  • 14、

    I don't like opera ; chamber music is more my style.

